Writing on Solopreneurship, Sabbaticals, and Life

Documenting my journey through life and entrepreneurship with regular retrospectives and the occasional article.

Your Life in Weeks musing

I made an app that lets you create a compressed view of your life.

Time Wealth

Why having more free time can be better than becoming rich.

Introducing Scriv

I launched an AI product and got my first paying customers.

AI is Eating my Life retro

What I've been up to so far this year, and the increasing role of AI in my work.

The Break retro

September 2022 Retrospective

Tailwinds retro

July 2022 Retrospective

Redirection retro

December 2021 Retrospective

Coming Clean

My experience of the pandemic in South Africa and the case for a more inclusive conversation about Covid and vaccines.

Holy Crap! retro

November 2021 Retrospective

Momentum retro

September 2021 Retrospective

The Flop retro

Feb 2021 Retrospective

Gratitude retro

November 2020 Retrospective

Reset retro

October 2020 Retrospective

The Wait retro

Week 83 Retrospective

Weariness retro

Week 71-74 Retrospective

GoGoGo! retro

Week 66 Retrospective

The Grind retro

Week 64 Retrospective

A Break retro

Weeks 59 and 60 Retrospective

The Future

Being just a little bit on sabbatical all the time.

The Best of Your Life

When you're learning, you get to have the best experiences of your life every day.

MVP Pricing

Testing pricing and willingness to pay in the easiest possible way.

Week 11 Retrospective retro

The mythical sweet spot between things that are fun and good business ideas.

Week 9 Retrospective retro

It’s possible I’m not built for 40-hour weeks: Full speed and feeling good

Validating an Idea is Hard

When you know nothing about marketing, getting your idea in front of people is harder than you might think.

Product Dating

How working on products is more like Tinder than Wedding Wire

Six Product Ideas

Planning weddings, building better software, and Pokémon: a first batch of ideas for products I'm considering making