Week 55 Retrospective

First world problems

I’m a little bit thrown off my rhythm today because I spent the weekend in the Cederbergs and didn’t get home until midday—with a three-day email backlog and an afternoon of meetings in front of me.

So, I’m writing this retro about 8 hours later than I usually do, and without the clarity of mind that I usually try to have going into the retro. As a result, I’m finding it hard to be as thoughtful as it might otherwise be.

Having written that, I’m struck by how amazingly fortunate a problem this is to have. “My proactive process for deciding to work on whatever I feel like got disrupted by an amazing weekend getaway in the mountains” is possibly the most first-world problem I’ve ever heard of.

First world problems

Good to appreciate the things we have and how lucky we are sometimes.

Did I enjoy the week?

It’s been overshadowed by the weekend—which was punctuated by a hike to the summit of Sneeuberg, possibly my favorite hike I’ve done in my life—but I think so.

Am I happy with how I spent my time?


Week 55 time breakdown

Week 55 time breakdown

I managed to spend four hours on chat stats and make some progress towards testing a payment workflow. I did not manage to spend four hours on place card me or really make any progress on it.

When I allocated my time for the week I failed to account for the fact that I was taking Friday off, so a few things got squeezed out and place card me was one of them. Everything else was fine/normal.

What’s up next?

This week my #1 priority is to make it so that someone can make a payment on chatstats.co. If I achieve that, everything else will be gravy.

