The Grind

Week 64 Retrospective

Short retro today since I’m already behind on a busy week ahead!

As planned, last week felt like a solid, normal, steady grind.

Week 64 time breakdown

Week 64 time breakdown

Between Dimagi and contracting I logged more than 35 hours to sponsored work. On top of that, I managed to setup my A/B test for the month on Place Card Me and decide what I’m going to try and ship by the end of the month—which will be some kind of “pay to remove branding” option on the free cards.

The week ahead

I’m planning another heads-down week of largely working for others, though I’d also like to get the overall UI flow and pricing model around the place card me changes in place so that I can spend the limited time I have in last two weeks actually rolling it out. May be signing up to do too much but we’ll see how it goes.


It was a good week outside of work, banking 7 hours to physical and mental health activities—including spending a night on the mountain—attending a film festival, and keeping a pretty healthy social calendar.

A night on the mountain never disappoints.

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